• Ensure a valid OA technology file is located at the path specified in the cds.lib.

  • Ensure that the OA technology file referenced by the design library is specified in the cds.lib.

  • This type of issue could also arise if the cds.lib file has an incorrectly defined INCLUDE that was supposed to bring in the technology library.

  • The technology library must have a path specified in the cds.lib file, directly or indirectly.
     If it is directly specified, then the exact path of the technology library should be specified.
     If it is indirectly specified through an INCLUDE statement, then the file being included, or other files it INCLUDES must eventually specify the technology library.

  • Ensure that your schematic library is tied to the technology library of your pcells.
    The best way to check this is if the cells library for the mosfets is the same as the oaTech name.

  • Re-run Animate Preview.