ATE-3060 | Mosfet recognition has been expanded to allow more geometrically complex mosfets. |
ATE-3050 | Improved standard cell recognition when power rails contain extra must-join geometry. |
ATE-2994 | Improved standard cell recognition for devices without an appropriate P&R boundary defined. |
ATE-3036 | Added a general differential chain soft pattern, to handle critical devices SD connected to differential pairs that are not handled by an existing soft pattern. |
ATE-3027 | Animate now builds routing patterns out of a cells with a common design and provides a pattern routing solution for these groups. |
ATE-3005 | Within the Animate project file, under constraint defaults, there is an option for setting a capacitor tolerance value. If no value is set, the default is a tolerance of 3%. |
Resolved Issues
ATE-3061 | Fixed an issue that could cause Animate to fail to recognise a simple current mirror. |
ATE-3057 | Animate automatic run will now correctly use the flat instance count, rather than the count at the top level. |
ATE-3054 | Fixed an issue where it was possible for a specific Group to cause Animate Preview to fail to generate a layout. |
ATE-3049 | Duplicate precondition fails no longer reported. |
ATE-3053 | When loaded, enlarge preview will now update in the background rather than jumping to the front on each selection change in Virtuoso. |
ATE-3043 | Fixed a case where moving diodes into a match would break constraints, causing the match to fail to be placed. |
ATE-3042 | Fixed a case where null reinforcement for routing patterns would incorrectly block gridded router in some cases. |
Other Items
ATE-3063, ATE-3051, ATE-3048, ATE-3022, ATE-3017, ATE-3016, ATE-2919, ATE-188, ATE-3066, ATE-3059, ATE-3058, ATE-3035, ATE-3033, ATE-3029, ATE-3011, ATE-2963, ATE-2903, ATE-2891, ATE-2621, ATE-3062, ATE-3056, ATE-3045, ATE-3038, ATE-3007, ATE-2849, ATE-2819