
The Animate Project Editor allows the configuration of project setting, before starting Animate.

The settings are stored in the animate.project file, which is located in the same directory as your cds.lib file.

Virtuoso uses technology files (.tech files) to represent everything that makes up the layout.
Animate uses animate.project files to effectively edit the sections that make up tech files and applies those changes to Animate.

Therefore, everything that can be represented in the tech file should be editable in the Animate Project Editor.

Launching the Animate Project Editor

  1. To launch the Animate Project Editor, on the command line enter:
  2. To explore the available settings and their values, expand the Animate heading.
  3. Expand the Project heading to view the top level project settings.

Adding a New Parameter

  1. Select the Project header, right-click and select Add Parameter. 
  2. Select the new parameter, right-click and select Add Value. 
  3. Select the value, right-click and choose the value type to match the required value for the parameter.
  4. Now, you can add the parameter data.
  5. Double-click on the parameter Name entry, add the name of the parameter and hit Enter.
  6. Double-click on the parameter Value entry, add the required value for the parameter and hit Enter.
  7. Click outside the entry field (within the Animate Project Editor) and then hit the Validate and Savbutton
    to save your new parameter to the animate.project file.
  8. Animate will load this file on start up and then use the new parameters created.